April 6, 2011

A Collection Of Nats Spelling Screw Ups

Let me first say that I work for a small local newspaper as a copy editor. I basically read other people's work and check to see if their spelling and grammar is correct. Let's just say the dictionary and thesaurus are my best friends.  I bring this all up because I hope the Washington Nationals hire me as their copy editor for I can correct their spelling mistakes. And trust me they need help in the copy editing department. There's a whole collection of Nationals spelling screw ups.

This happened a few years ago, but the Nationals actually wore jersey's with "Natinals" written across their chest.
The Nationals started this year off by misspelling John Lannan's name. (DC Sports Blog)
The Nationals honored the hero's of 9/11 only one problem with this though. They spell honoring wrong on the plaque. (DC Sports Blog)
MASN the TV partner of the Nationals also caught the bad spelling bug. How do you not spell players names correctly? (DC Sports Blog)
The Nats copy editing woes continued to their souvenir giveaways. According to the Nats there's two March 30th's. (DC Sports Blog)

Do the right thing Nationals and hire me as your copy editor. You definitely need the help in that department.


  1. Should I call out the misspelling you have in this post?

  2. @Kris: Yes. Everyone needs an editor.

  3. @Keith I defer to you, but isn't it "heroes" and not "hero's"?

  4. @Kris: You're correct. See the Nats should hire me. I would fit right in!
