January 21, 2013

The Super Bowl Story Lines That Will Annoy You

Every year the lead up the Super Bowl brings out the best and worst in the media. While the media can provide some great stories it can also pound a story line into the ground (Jerome Bettis is from Detroit, Can the Patriots complete the undefeated season?). While there are some pretty obvious story lines playing out right now, there are also some coming. Here's my rankings of the story lines the coming two weeks.

These Story lines are already annoying the public
"The Harbaugh Brothers"- Did you know these guys are brothers? That their brother-in-law is Indiana basketball coach Tom Crean? That their dad was a football coach? If you didn't already know this you will. My favorite part of this story line so far is that sports fans were sick of this story line before the Ravens-Patriots game even ended. I don't think we'll see a story line beaten more into the ground since the "Jerome Bettis is from Detroit" story line.

"Ray Lewis' Last Stand"- The great linebacker will retire after the Super Bowl and thus his story will be told a lot. We'll see his character dissected like a frog in a high school biology class. We'll hear about Atlanta, two murders, God, how he turned his life around. Everything. I love Ray Lewis, but I'm not looking forward to hearing, reading, and listening to his complete story.

This is an on going story line that has annoyed people for weeks now
"Harbaugh made the right decision with Kaepernick"- My God does this story annoy the hell out of me. And it's been talked about every week since Kaepernick became the full time starter. This is another story line that will be dissected for two weeks with people like Kornheiser saying, "I feel sorry for Alex Smith because he did nothing wrong.".

This hasn't been talked about yet, but it could gain steam and annoy you. 
"Randy Moss' Last Stand"- Hidden by the Ray Lewis story line, this one wouldn't surprise me if it gains steam in the 2nd week of the super bowl lead up. Randy Moss is old and this could also be his last game in the NFL. Like I said it wouldn't surprise me if Moss gets the Ray Lewis character dissection during the 2nd week.

"Ed Reed Returns Home"- This story line will probably be buried at first but it's another story line that wouldn't surprise me if it gained steamed in the 2nd week. Ed Reed grew up outside of New Orleans so this is like a homecoming for him. While I don't think we will be brow beaten with this story like "Jerome Bettis is from Detroit", I'm sure it will annoy us at some point.

Puff Pieces- I'm almost sure these guys will receive the usual puff pieces some players receive during the Super Bowl weeks.

Frank Gore: He was there through the rough years!

Joe Flacco: He is elite!

Alex Smith: The faithful bride to Kaepernick!

Patrick Willis: Did you know he was raised by foster parents?

Terrell Suggs: They can't go two weeks without giving this guy a puff piece.

What story lines did I miss that you think will be a big part of the coming two weeks?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Only one I can think of is "The Blind Side" guy playing in the Super Bowl. I wouldn't be surprised if ET or Access Hollywood somehow manages to have Sandra Bullock & Michael Oher do an interview together, while glossing over the fact Oher is useless defending said blind side.

    1. Dammit I forgot about that one. Mainly because Oher is just a average OLineman.

    2. There'll probably also be a Modell/DeBartolo rehash at some point.

  3. My favorite has to be the fact that pitchers and catchers report to Scottsdale not too soon after the game so I can no longer be angry with most of my fellow Giants fans #hatersgonnahate
