October 25, 2011

Quick Rant: Watching In Silence

I'm the first one to say that I have weird quirks when I'm watching sports. I can listen to a game on the radio while also having it on TV. That's because I like listening to the radio announcers of my teams, all of whom are great. I can also watch a game in complete silence. Seriously. I'll watch the game with no sound. I do this because I'd either like to observe everything that is happening and I find that watching a game in silence helps me do this. Or I watch a game in complete silence because I cannot stand whoever is announcing the game.

Case in point, Joe Buck and Tim McCarver. Now I'm not the first one to complain about these two. Hell even Joe Posnanski has complained about McCarver before. Instead of complaining about Buck and McCarver, and they certainly have their faults, I've watched virtually this entire World Series in silence or I've listen to ESPN Radio call the game.

For whatever reason I can do this. I can listen to a game in silence and be bothered by it. I understand though why most people can't do this. TV spectators need to hear the announcers no matter how bad they are. They need to hear the crowd, the possible profanity that the TV audience can hear, and the heartbreak and triumph. People just need to hear something. I'd rather hear nothing than listening to bad announcers.

1 comment:

  1. I feels to weird to me to sit in silence and watch a game.
