April 28, 2011

A Quick Rant on the NFL Draft

Tonight's live blog will be hosted by James Craven. Yes. The James Craven has come out of hiding to host tonight's live blog. 

For whatever I have zero interest in tonight's NFL Draft. Does that mean I won't watch the draft? Of course not. I'll probably watch every minute of the draft this weekend. When I mean I have no interest it means that I have barely looked at mock drafts or looked into information about the players who are suppose to be selected in the first round.

In years past, I devoured information leading up the draft. It was one of my favorite activities (Yes. I have no life.) I haven't done that this year though and there are a few reasons.

1. Lockout- Obviously the lockout and the ensuing legal fight between the owners and players have taken the luster out of the draft. Sorry, but after a month of listening to legal analysis on the league I have zero interest in the draft.

2. The 49ers Ineptitude- The 49ers have been so inept the past nine years that I barely follow them anymore, hence my lack of interest in the draft.

3. San Francisco Giants- They stink right now, so I might watch the draft just for I don't have to watch the Giants.

4. NBA & NHL Playoffs- As sports fans, we have been spoiled by the first round of the playoffs in the NHL and NBA. Besides one or two games, the playoffs in each league so far have been spectacular. At least one NHL game has gone to overtime for 9 straight days and pretty much every NBA game has at least been competitive. How can anyone think of the NFL Draft while these wonderful playoffs are also taking place?

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