May 13, 2011

Foul Ball: Basebrawl, Baltimore Style

Blogger has been acting up lately so no regular Foul Ball post today and no recap on the Sharks game 7 victory last night. Instead you get a video of the first Basebrawl at Camden Yards in Baltimore during the 1993 season.

Couple things about this video. First, who knew Mike Mussina was such a red ass? Second, this brawl lasted for twenty minutes because both teams just wanted to kick each others asses.Third, how hold is Arthur Rhodes and Omar Vizquel? They are both still in the big leagues. Fourth, notice how pretty boy Cal Ripken wasn't involved in any of the fights? Don't you want to hit him in the face with a full can of mace spray? (That's for you RJBO) Fifth, who came off crazier? Jeff Nelson or Norm Charlton?

Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Remember, Ripken severely twisted his knee during this brawl. If there had been a game scheduled for the next day, he would have had to end his streak at 1,790 games.
