June 14, 2010

Self-Serving Open Thread, Part 1

kt1ooo is a Orioles fan. I'm a Giants fan. The Orioles travel to San Francisco to play the Giants. This open thread is self-serving for Kris and I. Kris and I are both gluttons for punishment because we both watch baseball teams that are hard on the eyes. If you find a stream or have MLB Extra Innings, then you are more than welcome to join Kris and I for the game. If you do wish to join us don't be a troll. First pitch at 7:15PM PT/ 10:15PM ET

Similarities between the Giants and Orioles:

- Both team colors are Orange and Black. (Tonight will be Halloween night at AT&T Park. Get it?)

- The Orioles fans have a saying describing their team this year called "Orioles Tragic". The Giants fans have a saying to describe their team, "It's Tragic Inside."

- Neither team has won a World Series in a very long time. At least the Orioles have won one in the past 30 years.

- Neither team has made the playoffs in the past 7 years.

- Peter Angelos fired Jon Miller from the Orioles broadcast after the 96 season. Larry Baer fired Hank Greenwald from the Giants broadcast after the 96 season. Ironically, Miller was hired by the Giants to replace Greenwald.

Updated!: I forgot about the immortals Tim Worrell and Kurt Ainsworth. Hall of Famers Damian Moss, Sidney Ponson, and Aubrey Huff have played for both the Orioles and Giants.

Updated!: From Kris: Orioles Tragic is a play off the tune the O's used as their theme song in their glory days "Orioles Magic".

Funny he says that, because "It's Tragic Inside" is a play off of the Giants tickets commercial "It's Magic Inside."


  1. You forgot Tim Worrell on that list of immortals.

    And Halloween Night? Gary Thorne is going to have some fun with that tonight.

  2. @Kris: I also forgot about the immortal Kurt Ainsworth. My uncle swore to me that Ainsworth was going to be a Hall of Famer.

  3. @Keith O's fans were sure he was going to be a Hall of Famer too.

    btw, Orioles Tragic is a play off the tune the O's used as their theme song in their glory days "Orioles Magic"


  4. Beer, check
    Heroin, check

    I'm ready for a roller coaster ride known as the Giants bullpen.

  5. "Baltimore is struggling right, but a team you can't take lightly."-Kuiper

    I think he was just being nice.

  6. sounds like he was Keith...Thorne and Palmer taped their open in a cable car

    "the weather today reminds me of that Tuesday before the earthquake" Jim Palmer

  7. Oh! Jim Palmer was in the booth with Al Michaels and McCaver when the earth shook before Game 3 of the WS.

    They seriously did their open in the Cable Car in on the outfield walkway?

  8. "The Giants face the Baltimore Orioles, the once proud franchise, are in a horrific state."-Jon Miller

    Miller really rubbing it in.

  9. @Keith yep Jon must be really enjoying this. as to the intros, i guess. they didn't say it was at the ballpark, but it wasn't moving either.

  10. What a terrible rendition of the National Anthem.

  11. that play pretty much sums up the O's season

  12. What's funny? Rowand the 12-million dollar man is sitting for a journeyman outfielder. He really sucks and I'm glad Torres starts in instead of him.

  13. did I mention the Hershey Bears won the Calder Cup tonight? I'm trying to hang onto little successes here.

  14. Congrats to the Caps minor league team.

  15. "87 MPH fastball just isn't going to get it done up here" ---Jim Palmer

  16. well, at least the Giants only scored 1

  17. That's the inconsistent Sanchez I'm talking about.

  18. "102 AB's w/out a homer for Wieters was aberrational."--Jim Palmer

  19. "I really liked Atkins in Colorado. He was a solid player who has fallen off the face of the Earth."-Krukow

    I'm so glad the Giants signed Huff instead of him.

  20. "You can't beat the sightlines in this ballpark." Gary Thorne

    "Yep. You've got that yacht club in the Left Field Corner..." --Jim Palmer

    Holy Shit Burrell

  21. That's not really a Yacht club. It's a dock for everyone's boats.

  22. Chris Tillman's extremely hittable fastballs are making me a sad panda.

  23. Well, you can tell Jim that

    Double and RBI for the Panda

  24. "He's 11-122. It means he's either a bad hitter or he's due." --Jim Palmer

    I think it's the former

  25. You wouldn't be saying that if he were wearing orange tonight...

    Torres halfway to the cycle

  26. If Pacman would have known Whiteside went back to tag, he could have thrown him out.

  27. "Tillman means well. He's not trying to do this." Palmer

  28. Miller and Flemming are enjoying this game a little too much. Flemming grew up in Virginia listening to Jon when he was kid and was/is a Orioles fan.

  29. thank God that's finally over

  30. LOL, Sanchez didn't even touch 2nd and still got the out. Even the umps hate the O's.

  31. "How do you miss a call when you are looking right at it? I guess he's cold because he's wearing gloves and a jacket." Palmer

    you never get calls like that when you're 17-46 and losing 6-1 in the 3rd

  32. "If they get the call right at 2nd, you have the bases loaded and no one out." Palmer already forgetting that Tejada was out by about 5 steps at 1st

  33. "(Audible laughs) Sanchez didn't even touch 2nd and still got the out. The Giants will take it."-Dave Flemming

  34. If you go to bed early Kris, I'll understand.

  35. we'll see Keith. I rarely go to bed before 1 am anyway.

  36. I liked Chris Tillman better.

  37. Thorne and Palmer are reduced to reminiscing about where they were during the earthquake.

  38. Palmer was grabbing Al Michaels thigh in the announcing booth at the top of Candlestick.

  39. Ha! Kuiper and Krukow talking about how much Frank Robinson scared the crap out of them when he was managing them with the Giants.

  40. what I didn't know was that Gary Thorne was on the field about to interview Willie Mays when it happened.

  41. Thorne must have been working for ESPN at the time.

  42. Not even against the O's, the Giants still have to hit into double plays. They're on pace to break the team record this year.

  43. "I've liked Jim Palmer since his appearance in Naked Gun."- Krukow

    I've always liked Jim Palmer myself. He's never aged and he just seems like a nice guy.

  44. Palmer ALWAYS brings that movie up anytime they have more than 2 in the booth. And I'm sure he'll bring it up again this weekend in San Diego, since I think Enberg was in the movie as well.

    As to being a nice guy, uhhh maybe.

    "I went out to eat last night and I saw people dressed like that all over." Palmer as they show the costumes in the crowd

  45. Dick Enberg was in the movie along with Dickie V, Tim McCarver, and Mel Allen.

  46. along with Curt Gowdy and Dr. Joyce Brothers

  47. Who is going through a divorce?

  48. Thorne and Palmer were talking about Burrell and one of the reasons he struggled the last couple of years was that he went through a divorce.

  49. Wiggy's double is going to trigger the comeback...

    /wishful thinking

  50. Wigginton just hit a home run and the ump didn't call it. If the ball hits that green tin, it's gone.

  51. really? Thorne and Palmer didn't even mention that possibility.

    oh wait....Jon Miller told Thorne and Palmer about the rule between innings

  52. "Looks like a really big night at the fair" Thorne

    yes Gary, it's 6-1 and it's Singles Night. Do the math.

  53. Kruk and Kuip were saying Samuel should have argued and got a replay because that's suppose to be a home run.

  54. @Kris: I'm on the O's SB Nation blog, and they share the same anger as you.

  55. Hey,hey,hey, it's Fat Albers!

    I'm guessing the O's want to go out for seafood at this point

  56. I'm not sure that

    A) Samuel knows about the ground rule


    B) Country Joe West would even humor him in going to the replay

    I do like Camden Chat. I just don't post there a lot.

  57. @Kris: Your Thorne comment has made me laugh for five minutes straight.

  58. "Remember when you had to go to camp and you learned to fold the flag properly?" Palmer

    "No, I was in the army" Thorne

  59. @Kris: Palmer sounds goofier than Krukow. And Krukow is really damn goofey.

    Miller is reminiscing about his time in Baltimore. He misses the Crabs. From the look at him, he hasn't missed a meal in a while.

  60. OT, but do you have/know a good cioppino recipe? One that isn't that complicated?

  61. I'll e-mail you an recipe. I don't know if it's any recipe is easy though for cooking Cioppino.

  62. 13 straight losing seasons fucks with your head. Or maybe it was Earl Weaver. Palmer wrote a funny book about their career together called
    "Together We Were Eleven Foot Nine"

    I highly recommend it if you can find a copy.

  63. The O's bullpen always looks great in these kinds of hopeless games. But when they need to get outs, they become flamethrowers (and not the good kind)

  64. The Giants bullpen has sucked this year. Despite Brian Wilson, no one in the pen has played well.

  65. someone brought a Jack in the Box head with a Giants hat on its head

    "I can't figure out what that is, except it's a head and someone bought a ticket for it" Thorne

    "That must be a nice date" Palmer

  66. Torture Time. Bochy going to the bullpen.

  67. oh and Palmer told a funny story about signing his underwear poster in San Francisco back in the day.

  68. Holy Shit! Camden Chat is so desperate they want the O's to sign Jake Fox. You guys must be really desperate Kris.

    And I saw over at Camden Chat where Palmer talked about his underwear ads.

  69. i know. but I'm pretty drunk over here.

    as to Jake Fox, he can't be any worse than Atkins. I mean, this team is a serious threat to the 62 Mets and 03 Tigers. They are beyond god awful

  70. Wow, even you're up to Jake Fox playing for the O's.

    /Feels bad for Baltimore

  71. Of course Bochy pulls Sanchez now. Oh well, it's Romosexual time.

  72. i thought you were just be meaning when the O's played in Oakland during the 2nd week of the season and you were trashing them. But, you were right.

    I'm not exactly "up" for Jake Fox, but my god, we 0 home runs from a 1st baseman this year! It's fucking Flag Day! (No offense to the flag)

  73. from daveh on Camden Chat

    "Vote for your favorite O's for the all star game! I don’t think Eddie and Cal are on the ballot…"

  74. awwww...Krukow gave Palmer a list of the Giants relievers and their pitches

  75. I'm being serious, I wouldn't sign Jake Fox. He's just like Atkins.

    And yes Kris, I'm a Romosexual.



  77. Ty Wigginton

    your 2010 Oriole All Star rep!

  78. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I'm laughing at the O's. And trust me when I say this Kris, I know what you are going through. I've seen some horrible football and basketball the last couple of years.

  79. I thought only Jeremy Affeldt walked a batter with the bases loaded?

  80. Back-to back bases loaded walks

    "This is like a spring training game." Palmer

    88 days until kickoff at the New Meadowlnds.

    /checks watch to see if it's September yet

  81. You have to listen to Kruk & Kuip tonight. They are cracking me up making fun of the people dressed up in costumes.

  82. Thanks for running into that 3rd out!

    /small victories
    //ignores score

  83. This will be interesting. Affeldt pitching the ninth. Watch what will happen. Jeremy will get the first guy out, walk the next two, and then Bochy will pull him.

  84. AT&T MASN Player of the Game

    Burrell, Sanchez, or Wieters

    and Wieters has a commanding lead!

    /gotta love drunk O's fans drunk texting

  85. the O's have gotten hosed tonight by Joe West & Co

  86. Poor Manuel

    The O's have been hosed tonight.

  87. and sadly, if all 3 calls are right, the final becomes 10-5, so in the end it doesn't matter.

    oh well, good to get the outrage ready for Game 6. You know all about road Game 6's in LA when the road team leads 3-2.

  88. Thanks Keith. Talk to you tomorrow.

  89. Didn't know they also did a Halloween costume promo that night, either!
