April 28, 2009

The Links

The Sharks did what they do best, CHOKE.... Giants closer Brian Wilson deleted his 'Twitter' account, I weep.... The fan who provoked Rangers coach John Tortorella, speaks.... Bob Knight is at it again, video at the bottom.... And Carmen Electra

This columnist would have taken Tebow over Sanchez and Stafford (The Big Lead)

Will Nick Saban turn the Alabama fans against him? (AL.com)

Terrific story about an MMA fighter who is also an amputee (YahooSports)

Former Eagles receiver Freddie 'FedEx' Mitchell is blogging (Deadspin)

Barry Bonds was at the Giants game last night, and he still hasn't retired yet (Mercury News)

Jim Irsay doesn't care that Indianapolis is in bad economic times, he still wants the city to pay the operating costs of his new stadium (Online Sports Guy)

The New Orleans Hornets were blown out last night (NOLA.com)

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