May 18, 2011

Community Draft Board: Fast Food

Each year around this time Sactown Royalty readers will begin to publish their own draft boards. They look at five to ten players who they feel the Sacramento Kings should choose in the upcoming draft. These "Community Draft Boards" either take a serious or sarcastic look at the upcoming draft. Since I'm a bigger fan of sarcasm, I'm going to give you my very own community draft board regarding fast food.

If you had the options, which fast food joint would you eat at because of what meal? Is there a local fast food place that you prefer over national places like McDonald's? Do you even enjoy fast food? (Booo if you don't) So without further ado, here's my community draft board: fast food style.

1. Double-Double, In-n-Out: In-n-Out is a staple out here in California. It's hard not to go by one of these places during lunchtime and see people lined up outside for food or the drive-thru packed with cars. In-n-Out is without a doubt the most popular fast food joint in California.
Now most people will tell you that the Animal Burger is their favorite In-n-Out menu idem. While the Animal Burger is very good, I prefer the Double-Double myself. Nothing like two meat patties smothered in cheese with lettuce, onion, tomato, and pickle. It's the perfect burger because In-n-Out uses the best meat and you're not eating condiments. You can actually taste the meat unlike other fast food places. If I have the option of time, the In-n-Out Double-Double is always my first choice on the fast food chain.

2. Turkey on Wheat, Subway: Because I usually don't have time to fight the In-n-Out crowds, I'll usually go to Subway and order the Turkey on Wheat. And that's why I love Subway. They offer healthier options and the option to create your own sandwich. I have the Turkey on Wheat with American cheese, onion, lettuce, jalapenos, and olives. It's my perfect sandwich.

3. Mexican Pizza, Taco Bell: I don't care if Taco Bell is using fake meat, I still enjoy eating at the place. My favorite item is the Mexican Pizza. The Mexican Pizza has two tostada shells with beef and beans in between with melted cheese and green onions on top. I can't tell you why, but I love the Mexican Pizza. I think it's because of the melted cheese.
4. 99 Cent Tacos, Jack-in-the-Box: The 99 cent Tacos at Jack in the Box is my favorite quick and cheap fast food option. The Jack in the Box tacos also make me laugh because of how Americanized they are. They have Craft Cheese singles in them. What Mexican restaurant serves any menu idem with Craft Cheese singles as a part of the meal? Warning though, you will not find a greasier fast food idem than the Jack in the Box tacos.

5. Your Local Taco Wagon: Okay so I'm cheating here in two parts. Taco wagons are pretty much only relevant in California and I'm not picking a specific food item. But really, can you go wrong with any of the food items on a taco wagon?
If I had to choose one food item from a taco wagon though, I would go with a burrito with any combination of Carne Asada, Carnitas, or Al pastor. Carne Asada is basically thinly sliced steak. Carnitas is basically deep fried pork. Al pastor is basically slowly cooked pork. Any of these combinations is delicious. If that's not your thing though, try the pollo (chicken) or lengua (cow tongue which is more delicious than it sounds). My mouth is watering right now and it's almost lunch time. I'll be right back.

Just missed the Cut:

- Big Mac: Classic staple, but not as enjoyable the older you get.

- Whopper: See Big Mac

- Anything from Chick-fil-A


  1. I will forever be a Big Mac fan.

  2. The problem I've always had with In-n-Out is that their fries are borderline unedible.

  3. @Kris: I've always enjoyed them, but you're not the first person to say that. What makes them taste bad to you?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Now granted, I haven't had an In-n-Out meal since the last time I was in Las Vegas, but their fries have always tasted to me( a loyal 5 Guys customer) as limp and tasteless. According to this blog, it's because INO only fries a batch once, instead of double frying.
