April 5, 2011

We're Going To Pretend That Game Never Happened

Everything about last night's championship game stunk. From Butler's horrendous shooting to Jim Nantz trying to surpass Tim Brando in the pun department, last night's National Championship Game was horrendous. I'm not going to to let that game though ruin what was a great tournament.

We're very lucky as fans in that we've now had two great tournaments in a row. Last year's tournament is still my favorite, but this year's tournament is close because of the upsets in the first round 2nd round and close games in the elite 8 and final 4. This tournament was great only it was completed with a terrible championship game. So we're going to do is pretend last night's game didn't happen and celebrate the great tournament overall.

As always I would like to thank the people who contributed to the live blogs. Live blogging the entire tournament is very time consuming, so thanks to everyone to helped contribute to them. Hopefully we can do it against next year.


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  2. I do not know how much I will be around next March because I will be up to my knees in student teaching. I surely won't be around for any of the Thursday/Friday afternoon games. I'll have to see about night games and weekend games.
