May 26, 2009

Baseball Update: Stay Classy Jonathon Papelbon

The Baseball Update is a look at the happenings around Major League Baseball

It is well documented how big of d-bag Red Sox closer Jonathon Papelbon is. Well Papelbon took his d-bagginess to a whole new level over the weekend.

After giving up a game-winning home run to little known Mets backup catcher Omir Santos, Papelbon didn't exactly take the loss in stride. He took out his frustration on a photographer.

When a New York Post photographer was going to snap a picture of the closer, Papelbon snapped. He threw a towel toward the Post worker and screamed, "Don't take my f- - -ing picture," the towel missed. At least he didn't go Dennis Rodman or Kenny Rogers on the poor guy.

I have to ask this question. Do you really expect anything else from Papelbon? This is the guy who celebrates each save like just won the World Series. He should though start acting like a man. Mariano Rivera doesn't act like a child after blowing a save. Trevor Hoffman doesn't pout in the corner of the dugout. Papelbon is just a sore loser.

Stay classy, Jonathon


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