I know what you must be thinking, not another wrestling post. Sorry, I had to do it. Last night Shawn Michaels gave his farewell speech to the WWE audience. The same Shawn Michaels that has wrestled in the WWE since I was born. The same Shawn Michaels who never wrestled a boring match in his entire life. And last night the same Shawn Michaels who gave on the best promos/farewell speeches that you'll ever see.
At the beginning of the speech, the Undertaker came out and showed a tip of the hat to Michaels. A fitting end to one of most memorable rivalries in Wrestling. The crowd gave the usual chants of "one more match", "Thank you Shawn", and "Please don't go." I can't think of another wrestler who is more respected by the fans than Michaels. Shawn then thanked Triple H for their years of friendship. He thanked the whole cast of crew than run the WWE from the cameramen to producers to the people who put together video packages. He also thanked Bret Hart and apologized his past behavior. Michaels admitted to being a bad person, someone who let drugs and alcohol control every aspect of his life. Very moving. Yes, he even thanked Mr. McMahon for putting up with him for the past 22 years.
The most emotional moments of his speech though was when the crowd started chanting "one more match." Michaels talked about how it's the norm for a wrestler to "retire" only to comeback and wrestle another match. He said he wasn't going to do that. That he was going to live to his word and stay retired. I would usually roll my eyes at this part of the speech, but I didn't last night. Michaels seemed contrite about staying retired. His children are getting older and he wants to spend more time with them. Also he's a born-again Christian and spends a lot of time in Church participating in various Church groups.
This was a great speech by one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. I will definitely miss Shawn Michaels. He's been a part of my childhood along with countless others.
Thank You Shawn!
I'm not old enough to remember Rick Flair in his prime, but Shawn Michaels to me was the best ever.