February 25, 2010

Pole Dancing at the Olympics?

(Editors Note: I'm going to be gone for the rest of the weekend. JFein will have a couple of posts for you on Friday and Saturday.)

What do you think about when you hear the words, pole dancing? Do think about naked women with dollar bills hanging out of their G-String? Or do you think of it as a competitive sport? Well apparently pole dancing is a competitive sport and participants of that sport want in the Olympics.

Mai Sato of Japan is very dedicated to pole dancing is the World Pole Dancing Champion. She things the sport should be in the Olympics.
"I could definitely see pole dancing in the Olympics," said Sato, who, a dancer since the age of three, out-twirled a bevy of athletes from 11 countries at the second International Pole Dancing Fitness Championships in Tokyo two months ago. "I would love to win a gold medal."
That's real nice and everything, but pole dancing in the Olympics? The Olympics doesn't even want Softball and Baseball. Squash and Cricket can't even find a spot in the Olympics. And Sato want's pole dancing in the Olympics?

Well don't expect to see Pole Dancing in the Olympics anytime soon. It's not officially recognized as a sport by the IOC and has already missed an opportunity to be a sport in the 2012 Olympics. But never fear, you can sign a petition to make Pole Dancing an Olympic sport. I suggest signing that petition.

Until then, enjoy Mai Sato in a competitive pole dancing event.

Pole dancers making 2012 Olympic push (OC Register)