January 28, 2010

The Links

Michelle Trachtenberg to start the mourning ..... Face facts New York Rangers fans, it's time to rebuild...... Analysis of the Jim Thome signing in Minnesota...... I never heard of the iPad until yesterday....... R.I.P. Howard Zinn...... A look at Obama's guests last night at the State of the Union...... Look for the Wizards to void Arenas' contract..... I hope your not a 'Ugly Betty' fan...... How to tell the difference between Sex addiction and simple cheating..... Will anyone actually watch the Pro Bowl this year?...... Exactly what the Golden State Warriors need, a new owner

Top Democrats at war-with each other (Politico)

Kurt Warner to decide his future on Friday. Let's just hope he's not another Brett Favre (Revenge of the Birds)

Please! Do not ask Brock Lesnar about what he thinks about the Canadian health care system (Cageside Seats)

You can buy Dr. J's house (The 700 Level)

Andre Dawson will enter the Hall of Fame as an Expo (ESPN Chicago)

I took a pounding yesterday for including two CAA teams into my bracket yesterday. Well one team that will not be representing the CAA in the tournament will be Towson (SB Nation)

Craig James threatened to sue Texas Tech if the school didn't investigate Mike Leach (CBSSports.com)

“Dear Paul Shirley, I only wish your father had taken your own advice and worn a condom. Go to hell.” (The Nation)

Obama doing what he does best, blaming other people for his problems (Another Black Conservative)

Has Tigers Woods' wife been staying at Brett Favre's house in Mississippi while Tiger is in sex rehab? (Deadspin)

Twister: 'Jenga' with perverts (With Leather)

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