In today's game against the Brewers, Phillies pitcher Cole Hammels was hit by a line drive in his left shoulder off the bat of Prince Fielder. Via
"Hamels was hit on the left shoulder. He was later declared to have a left shoulder contusion, which is another word for a bruise. The ball bounced off of his body and toward first base. Fielder was credited with an infield single.This isn't a good sign for the Phillies. They have struggled to start the season, and they can't afford to loose their ace pitcher.
After he was struck, Hamels put his hands on his thighs and bent over at the waist. After he was examined by pitching coach Rich Dubee and athletic trainer Mark Anderson, Hamels walked off the field."
Here is the coincidence. When the Brewers opened up their season against San Francisco Giants, Brewers hitter Mike Cameron hit a line drive that hit Giants pitcher Joe Martinez in the side of the head. It was one of the more scarier moments I have ever witnessed on a baseball field. Take a look but be aware this video is graphic in nature.
Sorry for the poor video and sound quality. It's the only video I could find.
I don't know what's more disturbing? That two pitchers were injured by line drives? Or that both pitchers were injured by line drives coming off the bats of a Brewers player?
Joe Martinez received a black eye, concussion, and three facial fractures. Luckily though, he only had to go on the DL and will be able to pitch sometime this season. Hopefully Hammels will not have to sit out long.
In the meantime though, this is definitely a disturbing trend to start the baseball season. And I hope that it does not continue.
Just scary moments all around.